Monday, August 18, 2008

Bet You Can't Watch Just One

The Olympics are killing me... well, not quite... but making me lose a ton of sleep! I normally like to be in bed by 10:00-10:30 on work nights. I have a really hard time functioning on less than 8 hours of sleep! Well since my birthday (8/8), which happens to be the day the Olympics started, I have been falling well short of those 8 hours of sleep a night. Tim and I have been staying up until well after midnight almost every night since the games started... and since my alarm goes off at 6am..... you do the math... I'm hoping now that Michael Phelps has won all of his races and gymnastics is over we might be getting to bed a little earlier. You never know though... there could be a really intense equestrian competition or a late night round of badminton we might get sucked into. We keep telling ourselves this sleep deprivation isn't that bad since it will only happen every 2 years, but every morning, as I hit my snooze at least 3 times, I curse my decision to watch "one more race"... which never happens because that "one more race" turns in to 5 more races and no sleep! Oh well..... GO USA!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

No Disassemble!

I've decided to start posting updates as I repair my truck (1997 Chevy S-10 that currently needs the clutch components replaced), so keep checking back and hopefully I'll have frequent updates and photos as I do some major amateur repair work! And if you're wondering why I titled this post "No Disassemble!", then you're probably haven't seen or don't remember the movie Short Circuit. I haven't seen it in a really long time but it's worth a watch if you can get your hands on it...

Anyway, the main goal is for me to replace all of the clutch components and anything else that needs replacing along the way. It had become very difficult for me to shift into any gears towards the end of last year, so I had decided to take it in to a mechanic to see what was wrong. They told me that I probably needed the clutch and slave cylinder replaced, if not all clutch components. Christian Brothers quoted me about $1800. Anyway, I didn't want to or expect to have to spend that much money, especially since we were just settling into our new house and had many other things that we needed. So I looked around and even got an estimate closer to $1100 from a transmission shop, but by this point I had decided it would be nice to repair my truck myself if I could. I've done oil changes before, and I've even replaced brake pads and spart plugs and wires... but those things don't really require much work compared to what I've started now :-)

I haven't driven my truck in several months, and since gas prices have gone up so much it made more sense for Summer and I to carpool to work anyway. A few months ago I bought the first few items that I needed to begin repairs... a floor jack and 4 jack stands to allow me to raise my truck in the garage and work underneath it safely. So my truck has been in the garage on jack stands for a couple months now, and I finally started work this past week! I'm not sure why I waited so long, but I guess I was nervous about undertaking such a large task... and the first steps pretty much commit you to the whole process!

So, in order to replace the clutch components, I have to do the following things just to get to them:
  • Disconnect and remove the driveshaft
  • Remove the shift lever (which by the way either requires you to cut the carpet slightly or remove the seats to be able to lift the carpet over it :-O )
  • Remove the section of exhaust pipe that runs from the exhaust manifold to the catalytic converter
  • Remove several wiring clips and the transmission crossmember
  • Unbolt and remove the transmission, lowering it from underneath the truck

Fun eh? Actually I think I'm going to enjoy it but I'm sure some parts will be frustrating and tough since these bolts haven't been touched in over 10 years now and are probably quite rusted as I've already found!

This week I decided to just go for it and start taking apart stuff... I removed 4 bolts from the driveshaft, and 2 more from a center section of the driveshaft. The repair manual said I should just lower the rear portion of the driveshaft once I removed those bolts. Hmm, after 30 minutes of pulling/yanking/twisting (carefully since I'm underneath several tons of metal) and spraying more WD-40, the driveshaft was still connected and it wouldn't "lower". So I gave up for the night and did the usual the next day: Google. I finally found a video of a guy removing a driveshaft (, and he had to smack it quite a bit with a hammer since corrosion keeps the pieces together even when they're no longer bolted. So a day or 2 later I had time to try again. I grabbed the hammer and smacked it around quite a bit to try to get it to come free... and finally after 15 minutes of that (I had to hit a certain part I guess) the driveshaft came loose!!! I had said a little prayer after I had been trying for awhile, so thanks for the answered prayer God!

I also removed some bolts from a section of exhaust pipe since I need to replace the muffler as well. When I first got underneath my truck earlier this year I saw a hole in the muffler that had been leaking on our driveway. So, that's what I've done so far. Not much but I already feel better about doing the rest of the work... it's just going to take patience and persistence!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Breath of Fresh Air

Has it really been almost 2 weeks since I posted last? Crazy how time is flying this year!! We haven't really been busy these past 2 week.... just going about our daily routine which includes: going to work, coming home, eating dinner, playing with Cooper, watching TV, going to bed. But, yesterday I did something out of the routine. Yesterday I received an email from the Sunday School teacher at First Baptist Pflugerville. She said some of the girls from the class were going to meet up for coffee in downtown Pflugerville and wanted me to join so I could get to know the ppl in the class. So I went..... and it was awesome! It ended up being just me, the teacher Kelly Reagan, and a girl we had met before, Tiffany. The three of as sat and visited for over an hour about our lives and our desires for the class. It was incredible how Kelly just reaffirmed Tim and my feelings about God calling us to minister to this class. Tim and I joined the Newly/Nearly Married class at BBC about a year and a half ago when there were only a few couples. None of us really talked to each other or did anything together outside of the class. Today however you can't keep that class quiet! We have developed eternal bonds with these people and they have become our closest friends. When Tim and I visited FBP (First Baptist Pflugerville) there were only 4 ppl in the Sunday School class; me, Tim, the teacher Mark (his wife Kelly was sick that day), and Tiffany. As we left the church that day all I could think about was what an awesome ministry opportunity this would be! We have seen a class go from being very similar to this one to growing in size, closeness, and spiritual maturity. What a chance for God to take what we have learned from Pat and Annie and all of our dear friends at BBC, and use us to bring that to FBP!! I wanted to cry as I listened to Kelly talk last night about her desires for the class.... I wanted to cry when Tiffany said she was longing for Christian friendship here in Pflugerville. These two women were echoing the cries of my heart! I felt a peace driving home last night that I hadn't felt in a long time. For several months now I had been wondering if we had made the right decision in moving to Pflugerville, and last night I knew that we had. I knew that God had led us here for a reason, and watching His plan start to unfold is amazing!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Crazy Weekend!

So this past weekend for 4th of July was pretty busy! I'm just now starting to recover! Thursday afternoon Tim and I headed out of Austin to go to Magnolia, TX. Our niece Emily was turning 2 on the 4th and we wanted to make it to her party. We haven't been able to attend very many of our nieces' and nephews' birthday parties since we live in Austin, and they all live in Houston. So, we got to Magnolia around 5pm Thursday and headed over to the lake in Tim's parent's neighborhood. The neighborhood was hosting an fireworks show with free watermelon. As I stood by the lake with watermelon juice running down my chin and arms, looking like a 5 year old, I thought to myself, "So this is what its like to be an American". Kind of random I know...

Anyway, the men got up Friday morning to go golfing while us women fold tended the children... Actually, I just played with Play-Doh with my niece. That afternoon when they guys got home we had a BBQ and small little party for Emily. That night we watched some of Star Wars: Episode V, shot of some fireworks, then finished Star Wars. The next morning we headed over to Sugar Land for Emily's real b-day party where I played with more Play-Doh... wow... between the watermelon and Play-Doh I think I was really reverting back to my childhood! Saturday afternoon we ate at one of my favorite places in Houston called Lupe Tortilla. They have some of the best fajitas I've ever had (sorry dad). That night we stayed up until almost 1am watching the 2nd National Treasure movie. Sunday morning we went to church with Tim's parents then headed home.... FINALLY!!! I was ready to be home! I really enjoy being with Tim's family... but there is something relaxing about being in your own house and your own bed!

So there you have it... I'm tired just writing about our adventure packed weekend! I hope everyone else had a great 4th of July as well!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I wanted to write about a topic that has been on my mind off and on over the past few years. I don't really think about it actively, and I imagine most people don't, but everybody experiences it each day. Everybody is different. We all have an idea of what is right or wrong, and we each carry our perception of the world and our ideals. You form your picture of the world based on who raised you, what has happened to you in your lifetime, and what you expose yourself to each day. The amazing thing is that each one of us act upon our picture of the world and how we think the world should be. So when we act, or see others act... we're basing our actions and thoughts on our own individual paradigm.
While most people have an innate feeling for what is wrong and right... we're all amazingly different as we're faced with different issues and experiences. I may love to play golf, but for all I know my next-door neighbor might have had a horrible experience as a child with golf or someone who played golf, causing him to dislike golf or even dislike anyone that plays golf. The first time I truly thought about or even fully realized the reach of this topic was while reading The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Unfortunately, I have yet to get past the first couple chapters in the book, but I'm glad that I read that one portion, and think that it's caused me to look at people in a whole new way.
Reading the news each day, I usually come across many articles talking about the presidential candidates, the economy, or the wars/conflicts around the world. I don't argue or debate very well. I generally don't like it. Maybe I don't like conflict because I'm not good at it, or maybe I'm not good at it because I don't like it. Either way, when I read articles or hear news about particular issues that I disagree with, it really rubs me the wrong way. Some topics don't annoy me, but certain religious or political issues have really gotten me riled up and amazed that anyone could possibly hold a stance that differs from me. "How stupid can they be?!?! Why in the world would anyone think THAT is a good way to fix the problem?" And if I'm truly honest, I'll end up harboring resentment and anger against people that I don't even know... people that have a different opinion than me, or believe in anyone other than Jesus. I mean, I guess it's not a good idea to completely wipe some people off of the planet or ship others to a remote island to see how natural homosexuality really is (it would only take 1 generation to find out), but isn't it frustrating!?!?!
The one thing that I have to come back to is that my God reigns and I'm fortunate to know him. The only thing that ultimately matters is whether you trust in Jesus or not. Even if it drives me crazy to live in a country that is becoming increasingly tolerant of other people who don't believe what I do... although I still kinda like the idea of using remote islands ;-)

Tim Fish

Monday, June 30, 2008

A Place to Call Home

Most everyone knows that Tim and I moved to Pflugerville back in December of 2007. Tim took a job up north in June of 2007 and was having to spend hours in traffic when we lived down south. We decided that Pflugerville was the closest and most affordable place for us to live. Unfortunately, we didn't expect gas prices to jump to $4.00 a gallon. We didn't think about it being expensive to drive down south to be with family and friends.

This weekend I really felt the weight of the distance. I have been attending Bannockburn Baptist Church since I was 4 years old... so almost 21 years!!! I was baptised at BBC, met Tim at BBC, got married at BBC.... you get the picture. I was practically raised at BBC. The family we have at BBC was one I don't think I fully appreciated until yesterday. Yesterday Tim and I went to a church in Round Rock that we had visited a few times since moving to P-ville. The church seems great and well founded, the people seem fun and friendly, but as I sat in my chair the feeling came over me that this place wasn't home. I suddenly felt very lonely and longed for Christian friendship... Last night Tim and I took Cooper for a walk and he told me that he got the feeling that Central wasn't the place for us. I was relieved that he had felt the same nudging. Unfortunately this means that we will have to keep looking for a new church home.

Here comes the feeling of loneliness again. I wish joining a new church was easy. I wish we could walk in and immediately strike up eternal friendships with Godly couples... but I know it doesn't really work that way. Tim and I are stuck in the middle of friends. We are losing touch with the church family we love so much at BBC, and we haven't found a new church family to fill in the gap. Christian friends are so important and I am longing to meet people close to us. I'm longing to find a church and church family that we can finally call home!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

What's in a Name?

So I thought I should briefly explain the "P" in front of Fish Family. Back in December 2007 my hubby and I built a house out in Pflugerville, TX. It seems like every one in Pflugerville has changed the spelling of any words beginning with "F" to now begin with "Pf" to match the name of the town. We've got the Pizza and Wing Pfactory, the Pfamily Pfun day of Pfishing at the lake, the Pfighting Panthers of Pflugerville High..... you get the point. Everyone even has bumper stickers on their cars that just say "Pf"! Tim and I joked from the beginning that we should change our name to Pfish to fit in with the rest of the town, and the name kinda stuck! So there you have it... We are the Pfish Pfamily Pfrom Pflugerville!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day One

I finally gave into the pressure of starting a blog. No one in particular pressured me to start one, I've just seen that several of my friends had.... so here I am. After the past few weeks I really decided that I needed a place to put all these thoughts I have during the day.

Within the last 4 weeks I lost a cousin in a car accident, my hubby's grandpa passed away, and I sat through the murder trial of the man convicted of killing another of my cousins in 2003. As I sat in my cubicle at work today I started thinking about life. Things happen, life happens, and I normally don't give much thought to the things going on around me. But for some reason this month, God has thrown life and death right in my face. Why did these people have to die? Now I can understand Grandpa.... he was 86..... but why did he have to suffer the way he did? Why did Evan have to die on his way to see his mom for Mother's Day? Why did Bryan have to be stabbed in the chest and left to bleed to death 150 miles from home? Why God? Why can't we all just go peacefully in our sleep after we have done all the wonderful things in life we wanted to?

And then it hits me..... Life isn't about Bryan, Evan, or Grandpa. Life isn't about me or what I want. Life is about God. Everything we do... our very life and existence is all for the Glory of God! And if everything is for the glory of God, then death is included. God used these people's lives and death to bring glory to Himself. Several unbelievers heard the Gospel message this past month as a direct result of these happenings. Several people felt God's presence, grace, and love all around them during these times. How selfish is it of me think that my wishes are more important than God's will! Of course we can mourn... of course we can grieve... of course we will miss these people, but God is at work through these circumstances. He has something bigger in mind and all I can do is praise Him.

Well, there you have it.... I know its kinda heavy for a first blog... but that was really weighing on me today!
